Make / Model: Fender Bassman (AB165 Blackface head)
Year: 1965
Purchased: Ebay, 2003
Price: $300
There are certain things that are mythysized. One, Neve preamps. Two, anything the beatles used. Three, Old fender stuff.
And this is the later.
Generally, I avoid old stuff because I feel the music has probably been played out of it, the magic is gone, per se. And after owning this amp, yeah, I still think that.
This amp sounded really, really good, at loud volumes, kind of. But it also had this odd sound, that I can only desribe as harsh. The odd thing, is it actually sounded more solid state, when pushed, than a lot of the solid state amps I’ve ever played.
The only way for me to play it, was pushed, and living around other human beings, meant I had to get a speaker attenuator.
Some folks argue about whether these are bad for your amp. Theoretically, they shoudln’t be.
But I killed this amp, while cranked, into a weber attenuator. I was just playing, then I heard a sizzle, the amp powered off, and smoke came out the top.
Luckily, I could full disclosure sell it broken, and sold it for more than I paid for it.
Because of the allure of myths.