Purchase Evaluation: A formula to aid in calculating compatibility with purchases


So I’ve made a small list of questions to run by myself when contemplating obtaining anything, to help me decide if something is compatible with my way of life and beliefs. It was designed for clothing, but it can be applied to anything by modifying each variable to the closest likewise quality.

  1. Do I like the fit?
  2. Do I like the function?
  3. Is it free of trends?
  4. Will it last?
  5. a) Is it ethical? b) Is there an ethical alternative?

These are answered yes or no, then the “yes”s are counted and tallied against the number of questions.

Criteria Overview

A brief overview of the choices of questions and why.

Do I like the fit?
Does design work torwards the goal of the item, does it hinder operation? Do I like the aesthetics?
Do I like the function?
Does the item do what I need it to do? Do I like how it accomplishes it’s function?
Is it free from Trends?
Does the item have a true use, or is it here for reasons of trivial consumption? Generally, the trendyness of an item may impair future supply of replacement parts, or make you just want to get rid of it prematurely.
Will it last?
Is its expected longevity good for the purposes you wish to employ it? The sustainability could also be factored here.
Is it Ethical?
Does it exist in accordance with your ethics? The question regarding ethics is in two parts. Answer B is recursive and dominate over the first. A “yes” on part “a” requires no further answer from “b”. A “no” on “a” with a yes on “b”, changes the full answer to a “no”. A “no-no” changes the answer to a “yes”.

The system is designed to rate an item in accordance with your perception of it. However, you must know some information about the item to accurately calculate it. And of course, over time it’s rating may change as more information on the item becomes available. Basically, it’s a formula that I have used for a long time, but never articulated into a set number of steps or process until now.


An example of how to use it would be:

1. y
2. y
3. n
4. y
5. y (a. n, b. n)
total: 4/5

Now I’m just running through everything I can think of and seeing how the answers stack up.