IF I had a gun aimed at the word you know I think I’d pull the
I don’t have a gun, I don’t have a gun
If I had a word aimed at your heart you know I think i’d send it
But its words
Just words
Its death until death
Rooted in death culture
Abusiveness cloaked in self-destruction
The myth of love as all eternal
And sacrifice being a thing made noble
But what it means is misery
And relationships graded on sacrifice
And love graded on sacrifice
And anything less than is full betrayal
She’s his ride or die
More like his bride till death
And death comes knocking sooner in this culture
When love is equated with something owed
And an ultimatum of if this then that
When all it means was a moment shared
Not a promise to be fulfilled in a postal scenario
Mass shooter scenario
Because someone got their heart broken
Love isn’t measured by what you give to another
It is what you share
It is what is reciprocated
Not some sacrifice you make at then end of your rope
For some asshole that can’t handle their own shit
Try this scenario
Take out the threats
Take out the death threats
Take out the self-sacrifice
You are not Jesus
There is no one to save here
These things are supposed to be reciprocal
Not some kind of thing you give to someone else
At the expense of your own self worth
Would she stay if she wasn’t under threat
Of you self-harming
Of you self-hurting
Of you trying to turn everything into some problem
That she has put on you
If not I think its time to think about your actions
And what it means to love